Sunday 20 October 2024

The Shaman's Revenge Part 23 - Jordan and the Paddle Drone


The next episode of The Shaman's Revenge – Jordan and the Paddle Drone can be found at the new Sore bottomed Guys site, by CLICKING HERE

Sunday 25 June 2023

Return of The Sting of the Jungle – Jungle Boy Gets the Point


Return of The Sting of the Jungle – Jungle Boy Gets the Point

Read the latest instalment at the new Sore Bottom Guys Site, by CLICKING HERE




Thursday 24 November 2022

Back Soon

 I am sorry I have been inactive for so long. This has been partially due to the issues I had with the Blogger site, but mainly the result of a serious injury to my arm, which had a major impact on my creative ability.

However, I am now largely recovered, and have started work on two new series one featuring "Sore Bottom Finn" and the other being a further instalment of “The Humiliation of Redman Dane”, which will appear at the new Sore Bottom Guys site in due course.

Sunday 25 September 2022

A Sore Bottom For Travis

 A Sore Bottom For Travis was first published on another site in 2011. It was written by the inimitable Strict Top and illustrated by me. It features a handsome but rather obnoxious young punk (18+) who suffers a painful, but well deserved and humiliating Comeuppance.

I have republished a Sore Bottom For Travis at the new Sore Bottom Guys site and can be viewed by CLICKING HERE I hope you will enjoy it.

(Please excuse the standard of the artwork, it was created 11 years ago.)



The Future of Sore Bottomed Guys


As long term readers will be aware, this site has been under attack from time to time, and has been repeatedly reported to Google, which owns Blogger. This situation became stressful and unpleasant, and was one of the reasons I was slow to return to creating images, following my injury earlier this year.

I had assumed that, as the site has been on hiatus, the problem had gone away. However, this week I was contacted by Google, who informed me they had deleted some content which they considered “possibly illegal”, and that if I continue to post content of which they disapprove, my entire account would be deleted.

As is standard practice for Google they did not tell me what content had been deleted, or what their concern was. They also did not allow me the right of appeal, or any means by which I could contact them, question their decision or even gain clarification. (They, of course, are Masters of the Universe, and we mere peasants may not object to their actions.)

However, upon investigation, it turns out they have deleted all the pictures from Part 11 of the Shaman's Revenge, where I briefly introduced the character Bobby O'Rouke (who got stung on the bottom by a wasp)

Bobby O'Rouke's age is not mentioned in the text, but as he is relatively young looking, I can only assume they imagined he might be under-age. This was never my intention, and, as the blog description clearly states, the stories feature hunky young guys 18+. However, the Google operative who deleted my artwork clearly did not bother to read that.

In view of what has happened, I clearly can no longer risk posting my work to any site or forum controlled by Google, or where I can be threatened with being reported to Google.

Therefore, all future Sore Bottom Guys updates will be posted to my other site at:

I hope you will follow me there.

(I am aware there are some issues with the text formatting of some of the older stories when they were copied across to the new site, however I will work to resolve that shortly)


Thursday 22 September 2022



Please note that all fictional characters portrayed in the illustrations featured on this blog are adults who are 18 or over the age of 18.

The subject matter on this blog, which has been scrupulously retained behind an ADULT CONTENT warning, is computer generated adult fantasy, featuring interaction between adults.

At no time has any minor's image appeared on this site, neither has there ever been any character portrayed as a minor in a sexual interaction


Sunday 6 March 2022

The Shaman’s Revenge Part 18 (Part 1)

Jordan was confused, why was there a crane truck parked in the front yard?, and why did the Ranger want to strap him into a very suspicious object?

Why do you want to put that on me?” he moaned, backing away from the Ranger who was holding out a dark blue leather garment “it’s weird”

We need to check that it works properly” came the reply “we will be having an escapology booth at the fair! Put it on and see if you can figure out how to get it off …if you can get out of it anyone can!” he laughed

It’s a real dumb idea!” replied an increasingly dubious Jordan “I don’t want to!”

Stop wasting time let me put this on you” snapped the Ranger “It won’t hurt you!”

Jordan, was not convinced, and felt a sense of dead, he knew the Ranger well enough not to trust him, but he also knew that any failure to obey would have painful consequences. So, very reluctantly, he stood still and allowed the ranger to strap him into the leather straight jacket.

Great!” grinned the Ranger “It fits perfectly, … nice and snug … you won’t fall out of that!”

F..fall?” stammered Jordan “How do you mean!”

You’ll see!” replied Ranger Tartarus “and you won’t be needing these!” he bent down, grabbed the waist band of Jordan’s skimpy red shorts and pulled them down to his ankles, as Jordan’s hated cousin Harvey giggled with delight.

HEY!” yelled Jordan “The Doc said I could wear the shorts!”

The Ranger ignored Jordan’s protest, and immediately attached a series of chains, attached to the crane truck to the back of the leather straight jacket, before jumping into the truck, and activating the crane mechanism.

To Jordan’s dismay, he suddenly found himself being winched upwards by the chains attached to the straps of the straightjacket, in which he was trapped. “What are you doing?” he yelled frantically, as he struggled against the unyielding, tight blue leather.

I got this idea when we found you hanging from your speedo wedgie!” Laughed the Ranger “Now we are going to the fair!”

Jordan was now high in the air, dangling from the crane, and, apart from his socks and sneakers, naked from waist down, with his little pink bottom on full display. “Let me down!”

You aren’t afraid of hights are you Sport?” chuckled the Ranger starting the engine, as Jordan’s still giggling cousin Harvey climbed unto the cab beside him. “You will have to get used to it if you are!”

Minutes later, as pedestrians laughed and pointed, the truck drove slowly down the road, the crain extended behind it with a bare bottom and very miserable Jordan hanging from it.

When the truck arrived at the country fairground, the ranger drove up to a spot about 30 yards from the edge of the fair and parked next to an orange board with yellow numbers on. Jordan wondered what it could be, until he spotted the sign at the top which stated, “Test Your Strength – Paddle the brat!” and saw that there was a metal arm protruding from the top of the board with a holed spanking paddle attached to it.

As the Ranger had carefully positioned the truck so that Jordan’s bare bottom was in direct line of the paddle, it didn’t take Jordon long to figure out that he was the brat who was going to get paddled, but how did this devilish contraption work?

His question was answered by Harvey, who had produced a mallet from the truck and began calling out to the curious crowd, which was already assembling, and inviting them to test their strength by hitting a lever with the mallet. The strength of the blow will send a puck shooting up the board, the explained, and activate the paddle. The number of swats being determined by what number on the board to puck reached.

Jordan’s bare behind presented a very tempting target, and a eager group of laughing young men had soon lined up to take their turn in testing their strength.

The first contestant’s attempt was poorly judged and succeeded only in a glancing blow to the lever, so the puck only rose to the number 10 on the board, which was greeted with jeers from onlookers.

 However, the well programmed mechanism immediately sprang into action, the paddle arm swung back and forth delivering the requisite ten whacks to Jordan’s tender bottom, as he yelled out in pain.

That was a test shot!” insisted the guy with the mallet “Let me try again!”

Harvey raised no objection, and the mallet was again brought down hard delivering a resounding blow to the lever and sending the puck hurtling up the board to reach the number 30.

YESS!! .. THIRTY!” Cheered the crowd

No … NOT THIRTY!” cried Jordan in horror.

But the paddle was already swinging and within seconds the fairground was soon echoing to the sounds of hard paddle whacks, punctuated by howls both of pain from Jordan and laughter from the now sizable crowd.

Jordan was in for a long and painful afternoon.




Wednesday 5 January 2022

Back Up Site

 Please bookmark the back up site for Sore Bottom Guys, for use if anything happens to this blog.


The back up site is

Friday 24 December 2021

The Shaman's Revenge - Part 18 (Prologue)


OW! That Sting's worse than the fu.... damned ants!” moaned Jordan, as the Ranger rubbed a generous dollop of the cream which Dr Schultz had just prescribed into his bare bottom shortly after they returned from the swimming pool “What is in the vile stuff?”

It sting's a little, because it is working!” replied the Doctor “In the long run you will be grateful and appreciate it's healing properties!”

The Ranger briefly looked up and his eyes met the Doctors , and both men simultaneously winked at each other, enjoying the shared knowlerdge that the entire purpose of the cream was to increase Jordan's discomfort (“It's totally harmless, but very effective” the Doctor had explained “It was originally used as a sex aid in the Shanghai brothels before World War 11, as it heightens sensation, both of pleasure …. and also pain!”)

Also, if your guardian continues to apply the cream three times a day, it will be permissible for you to wear some clothing, albeit only these thin silk shorts” he held a pair of skimpy red shorts.

That's a shame!” laughed the Ranger “I was getting to enjoy the sight of Sports Little bare botty around the house!” he continued rubbing in the cream with increased vigour “Guess you can wear those tomorrow as you help me with the attraction I have arranged for the town fair.

Oh No! Do I have to” wailed Jordan “Fairs are for Dweebs and Old Boomers” 


Yes you do !” replied the Ranger delivering a sting slap to Jordan's well creamed, paddled and ant bitten bare bottom, followed by a second slap to make the point.

You are going to provide a service to the community, for once in your useless life!”


The next morning Jordan bent over in the bathroom and looked over his shoulder and studied the state of his bare behind, which was it's usual creamy white perfection. Once again it had amazingly healed overnight, the angry redness, the bruising from the paddling and all the tiny but fiery ant bites had disappeared.

Man I sure heal quick!” he thought! “But it still stings like Hell fire!, it must be that damn cream! How can I stop that creepy Ranger guy from rubbing more in!”

The thought of the ranger reminder him of the fair and brought a sickening feeling of dread to his stomach. “I wonder what that jerk has in store for me!” he thought

Jordan might well wonder …


Tuesday 7 December 2021

The Humiliation of Reman Dane – Chapter 3 


The latest instalment of “The Shaming of Redman Dane” continues, Click Here to start reading Chapter three at the “The Humiliation of Redman Dane” blog

WARNING this is a F/M CFNM story which features the Humiliation and Punishment of a handsome young man primarily by women


Tuesday 6 July 2021

The Shaman's Revenge Chapter 22 (Part 2)


The Shaman's Revenge Chapter 22 (Part 2)

 Jordan and the Speedos from Hell continued

The pool was entirely empty when Jordan dived in and swam a full length under water. For the first time in weeks, Jordan felt a sense of freedom and relief as his skimmed through the cool deep water, wuith the sleekness and agility of a fit young otter. Swimming was the one thing in the world at which he was the most accomplished, and if had had the determination and self discipline to overcome his naturally lazy and self indulgent nature, he could potentially have been a world class athlete.

However, the inevitable of Jordan Draper's life was that the flaws in his character would forever outweigh his virtues, and, consequentially, he would never achieve his natural potential.

As observers, therefore, we must content ourselves with appreciating his physical beauty and enjoying his ongoing and well deserved discomforts and humiliations.

However, at that moment, Jordan was free from the myriad discomforts which had recently plagued his life. The Ranger, his new guardian, had agreed he could have a morning free from chores and had dropped him off at the old swimming pool at the edge of town “You can relax today” he had said “Tomorrow you have an important role to play at the local charity fair!”

Jordan had no idea what was planned for the fair, but hoped he would at least be allowed to wear clothes. Meanwhile today, it was just a relief to have some cover albeit only his tiny blue speedos.

For a short while he was free of the sense of dread of what might befall him next, which hay have been a kindness, given what was in store for him.

After completing a dozen laps of the pool, Jordan climbed out and made his way along the side of the pool planning to get himself a coke from the vending machine he had noticed by the entrance. He was then he realised he was no longer alone, when he spotted three figures in swimming trunks walking towards him.

At first he did not recognise them, but they certainly recognized him “Hi Jordan!” sniggered Dewey Rees a small built guy in baggy red swimming shorts “Aren't you supposed to be bare assed? I head you burnt your asshole!”

Jordan glowered at Dewey, furious at this further evidence that the news of his humiliating situation was spreading like wild fire. “Shut up, if you want to keep your teeth!” he snarled.

Don't threaten my brother!” boomed a second, much larger guy in an angry voice

He always threatens smaller kids!” chimed in the third guy, Sammy Mason, who was also smaller than average “He's Jordan Draper, the bully we told you about!”

Dewey grinned at Jordan. “This is my BIG brother Bruno!” He's really pleased to meet you!” 

 Until too late Jordan had not noticed how large and muscular Bruno was, otherwise he might have been more cautious, but before he could react Dewey's big brother had grabbed him and thrown him over his shoulder. “We are going to have some fun with you!” he growled

The swimming pool was next to a derelict building, which had once been a sports centre, where Bruno carried the struggling and protesting Jordan, followed by a broadly grinning Dewey and Sammy.

Once inside what had once been the old locker room of the centre, Bruno tied Jordan's wrists to an exposed beam, forcing him to stand on Tip toe. Meanwhile Dewey produced a role of duct tape, which he used to bing Jordan's long athletic legs together.

When Jordan objected, a further strip of tape was placed over his mouth, effectively silencing him.

Heuy Jordan” grinned Dewey “Remember those games you used to play with us kids? .. and the ….. um … tricks? Well lets see how you like them when we play them on you.”

Remember that itching powder you put in the kids clothes while they were in the shower?” he continued “Well we've got a different brand … this one is extra strong itching powder” he held up a small bag while tossing a similar bag of white powder to Sammy.

It says 'Worse that a cartload of fleas' on the packet!” giggled Sammy

Well you are about to find out if that is true!” sneered Dewey as he pulled at the waist band of Jordan's speedos creating a gap at the back enabling him to sprinkle the contents of the itching powder package over the cheeks of Jordan's exposed backside, ensuring at least half the powder went down the tight crack between the cheeks.

Meanwhile, Sammy did the same to the front of the speedos, tipping the contents of his bag over Jordan's cock and balls.

It took a moment for the powder to take effect, and then, suddenly, Jordan became aware of the most extreme and infuriating itching sensation he had ever experienced. He struggled and writhed in extreme discomfort, desperate to pull off his speedos and try to brush the vile substance off himself, but could do nothing as his hands were tied to the beam above his head.

Sammy attempted to maintain a straight face, however Dewey laughed so hard he almost made himself sick. He and his friends had endured years of bullying and hazing by Jordan Draper, so he was enjoying every second of his tormentor's suffering.

Meanwhile a grinning Bruno ambled to the cornor and picked up a large glass jar “I guess that powder must be irritating you a mite Guy?” he drawled “But don't worry, my little friends here will eat it all!”

He held up the jar, which Jordan, to his horror saw was full of ants!

Remember that spider you put down Becky Rutter's shirt?! Sniggered Dewey, “well we couldn't find a spider, but the ants will be a good substitute!... they are fire ants, so if they nip you, it might sting a little!”

.”... or Sting a lot!” corrected Sammy.

It suddenly occurred to Jordan that the itching powder and ants must have been bought there specially for him, this was no chance encounter, they had known in advance that he would be at the pool. So someone, either the Ranger or Harley must have been in on the plan.

Jordan did not have time to think any more about the set up as he other things to concentrate on, around forty very small but very ferocious things, as Bruno stepped forward, tugged at the waist band of his blue speedos, and tipped the angry contents of the jar into the gap, shaking the jar firmly to ensure every ant fell in, before allowing the tight lycra to snap back into place with all the ants trapped between it and the tender still wildly itching surface of Jordan's bottom.

Unlike the itching powder, the ants took no time in making their presence known. They may be trapped and lagely immobile , but the one part they could move were their sharp jaws with which they ferociously attacked every inch of Jordan's poor bottom.

A large number of the fire ants had slipped between his cheeks and they set about biting that intimate and sensitive area, even his rosebud like anus was not spared. 

 The fire ants certainly lived up to their name, and within seconds, Jordan felt as if his entire bottom was literally on fire.

 Jordan's three assailants stood back, laughing with delight as Jordan hopped up and down, writing in agony and the rapacious insect assault on his nether regions his silent screams muffled by the duct tape covering his mouth.

It was then that all three of Jordan's new tormentor's produced a selection of old wooden paddles, both fraternity paddles with greek letters or old fashioned domestic paddles with quaint phrases on them.

We will kill those nasty biting ants for you!” laughed Bruno “Isn't that good of us?!”

Within moments, the sound of three wooden paddles whacking against ther seat of Jordan's speedoes echoed round the abandoned building and continued for quite some time.

Jordan's previous were certainly relishing their revenge.

Some hours later, after Jordan had not returned at the time he had been instructed to, the Ranger and Jordan's hated cousin Harley went to the pool looking for him. When they found he was not, the Ranger suggested they should check the abandoned sports centre next door, and that is where they found a very sore and unhappy Jordan.

Still tied up and duct tape gagged, he had been hing fron the ceiling by his blue speedos, in an uncomfortable and embarrassing wedgie. Adding to his humiliation a white surrender flag protruded from between his two now red and bad badly bruised and bitten butt cheeks, having been inserted deep into his ant bitten anus.

Jordan Draper was one bully who had certainly met his comeuppance! 


To be continued 

This chapter and all other content can also be viewd at the Sore Bottom Guys back up site HERE

Sunday 16 May 2021

The Shaman's Revenge Chapter 22 (part 1)

 The Shaman's Revenge

Jordan and the Speedos from Hell

(Part 1)

It was early on a late summer morning, and the sun was just peeping through the curtains of the small bedroom where Jordan had spent the night. Jordan's new guardian come baby sitter the Ranger had forced him to give up his usual, much larger bedroom, to his visiting cousin Harley. Who, he had been informed, knew how to behave like a well bread young gentleman man, and therefore deserved a better room.

Muts that behave like coyotes don't get to sleep in the kennel!” the Ranger had said, pointing Jordan in the direction on the guest room, a room Jordan had disliked and avoided ever since Aunt Blossom from Boise had died in it when she visited a few summers back.

That, combined with the spanking he had received for some misdemeanour earlier in the evening meant Jordan had retired in a very bad mood, with the result that he slept badly and was beset my unpleasant semi-conscious nightmares. In the most vivid of the nightmares, the Ranger in the jousting regalia or a medieval knight and on horseback was pursuing him across a wild and empty landscape, jabbing at his bare behind with the pointy end of his lance.

These nights the Ranger featured in most of Jordan's nightmares, invariably cajoling and bullying him while simultaneously assailing his exposed rear end with some instrument of torture.

Jordan could therefore be forgiven for imagining he was still dreaming when he heard the the familiar voice booming “Time to get up ya' lazy bug in a rug, there's a treat in store for you!”

However, he was instantly wide awake when the Ranger jumped onto the bed, sat on him legs, Trapping him face down, and whacking his exposed bottom with the rubber sole of a beach shoe.

OW ...OWWW! That hurt” complained Jordan angrily “Stop it man!”

Don't be such a wimp!” laughed the ranger “You should be happy, this is a special day!” he continued to enthusiastically spank his captive prey with the rubber shoe.

The day didn't seem special to Jordan, and it seemed even worse, when he spotted his cousin Harley, standing in the doorway, watching with a sneering grin on his scrawny face.

Before your surprise though..” said the Ranger, putting down the beach shoe “You have to have your shots!” He took one of the syringes from the dish he had brought with him, which Jordan had not noticed, until that moment and which was perched precariously on the corner of the bed.

Oh No! Not That!” Yelled Jordan but before the words had left his mouth, the Ranger had jabbed the needle hard into Jordan's left butt cheek, causing an angry yell of pain to echo round the house.

Jordan struggled to free himself and avoid the second jab, but the Ranger swiftly climbed on top of him, sitting on his back and holding him firmly in place. “Harvey!” he called “Come hear and give your cousin the second jab.

Harvey quickly scuttled over and gleefully did as requested

Jordan struggled helplessly, seething with fury at the humiliation of had his butt injected by his hated cousin, who he knew would be enjoying him self and would seek to make the injection as painful as possible.

Hold on!” ordered the Ranger “That's the wrong cheek … damn too late! You have injected him the same cheek I just did!!”

Sorry!” squeaked Harley “I got confused … should I get another needle?”

NOOO!” yelled Jordan “That's enough!”

In that case you will need a second shot this evening” Replied the ranger

Jordan scowled moodily, he had a reprieve, but only a temporary stay of execution, as he still had a further injection to look forward to.

Now for your treat!” grinned the Ranger as he finally climbed off Jordan “I had a discussion with the Doc and he agrees that you should now be allowed occasional breaks from the current bare butt treatment!”

Jordan, who had been sulkily scowling and rubbing his sore behind perked up immediately at this unexpected turn of events.

Only very limited to start with!” he put his hand in his pocket and brought out a tiny pair of blue speedo swimming briefs, which he held out towards Jordan.

You can wear these to go swimming for a few hours this afternoon!”

Although a break from the embarrassing nudity was a welcome surprise, Jordan was confused and a little dubious given the size of the garment being offered to him. “They are very … small!” he said

Nonsense!” Replied the ranger “They are perfectly big enough, come and try them on!”

Jordan didn't need asking twice, he leaped off the bed, grabbed the proffered speedos and quickly pulled them on, before checking himself out in the mirror.

The speedos were indeed very brief, the shiny blue fabric barely covering his groin and most of his butt cheeks! “Man but these are skimpy!” he complained

The Ranger laughed and gave Jordan hard slap across the seat of the tiny swimming briefs. “You are such a spoilt brat Jordan!” he said. “I told you the break was to be only a limited one! Those trunks are perfectly adequate, in fact I think they will serve their purpose very well indeed!!

To be continued.....



Sunday 25 April 2021

New Update at "The Humiliation of Redman Dane"


More Humiliation for Redman

Unlucky Redman finds himself in another uncomfortable and embarrassing predicament.

You can enjoy the handsome young blade's further well deserved discomfort by visiting “The Humiliation of Redman Dane”

WARNING: this features young a young male being disciplined and humiliated by females